Address: 9 Field Street
Belfast, ME - 04915
(207) 338-3025
LIHEAP is a federally funded program to help eligible low-income households pay a portion of their home energy or heating bills. Fuel assistance benefits can only be used for fuel delivered to heat your home. LIHEAP will pay directly to your contracted vendor.
EMERGENCY FUEL ASSISTANCE (Energy Crisis Intervention Program A)
LIHEAP eligible households may qualify for emergency assistance in the form of a payment to utility or fuel delivery companies if you have less than 1/8 of a tank of fuel or are in danger of having utility services disconnected when electricity is needed to operate your heating system.
Contact: Kitty Doughty
7:30am – 4:00pm Monday through Friday
170 Pleasant Street
Rockland, ME - 04841
(207) 596-0361
262 Harlow Street
Bangor, ME - 04402
(207) 973-3630