Agape Ministry Emergency Assistance Program

Address: 127 Lanark Drive
San Antonio, TX - 78218
(210) 590-6655

About Agape Ministry Emergency Assistance Program

The Agape Ministry Emergency Assistance Program can provide some assistance with utility bills for individuals and families in crisis situations. Hours of operation are from 10:00 AM to 12:00 and from 2:00 to 3:30 PM, Monday through Thursday, and from 2:00 to 3:30 PM on Friday. Must be a resident of zip codes 78154, 78209, 78217, 78218, 78219, 78233, 78239, 78244 or 78247. Alternate phone: (210)646-8567 Fees: No fees
Intake procedure: For household residency, must provide a current picture I.D., Soci
Services: A& D; Clothing; Food; Food Pantry; Household Items; Utility Assistance;


Agape Ministry Emergency Assistance Program Agape Ministry Emergency Assistance Program

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  • User replied on Saturday, August 31, 2024:


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Hours of Operation

10:00 - 11:30 and 2:00 - 3:30 Monday through Friday

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(210) 340-0302

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Converse, TX - 78109
(210) 658-6351

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110 McCullough Ave
San Antonio, TX - 78215
(210) 223-4099

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233 N. Pecos Street
San Antonio, TX - 78207
(210) 335-3666