Address: 125 Red Bud Rd
Calhoun, GA - 30701
(770) 817-4666
LIHEAP is a program that Tallatoona provides to all qualifying low-income families, disabled individuals and elderly in our eight county service delivery area. The LIHEAP funds can assist with starting new heating services, paying tank rentals and/or delivery, and to stop the disconnect of heating services. The funds can also assist in situations where the account is current as long as the household applies, qualifies, and is approved.
An appt
Wonder if any appts became available, I was in hospital during regular signup, now have chance for turnoff
How do I make an appointment for electric bill assistance
I had an appt on the 18th i never received a call i had no messages or anything.
I need assistance for the heating program im 75 and on ssi how do I go about getting help with heat
my husband and i are 70 and in need of assistance for mortgage, utilities, food, and any other assistance available.
My son had a stroke last year, and he hasn't been able to work and has no income. He needs help paying his power bill and water bill. Where can he get help?
I'm looking to get help with heating
I left message, tested positive for COVID-19. Could have come in and infected the office but I left message for the appointment, no returned call from you but you're sitting there with my SS card, everything copied. I was there first and a woman copied everything while me and my service dog sat in front of her. She said, " you won't be 65 until tomorrow so I can't finish this." I was told to go in by previous workers that had been there for years. You're going to make me lose my apartment because I can't live here without utilities.
How long does it take for the funds get to the power company?
2397 Hall Station Road
Adairsville, GA - 30103
(770) 773-3812
420 N. Hamilton Street
Dalton, GA - 30722
(706) 226-7241
217 E. Market Street
Chatsworth, GA - 30705
(706) 695-5913
128 Hicks Drive
Rome, GA - 30161
(770) 817-4666
152 Senior Drive
Summerville, GA - 30747
(706) 857-0729