Big Creek Township Public Assistance-White Co

Address: 203 West East Street
Chalmers, IN - 47929
(219) 984-5934

About Big Creek Township Public Assistance-White Co

Each county in Indiana is divided into Townships. A Township Trustee is an elected official who is, among other duties, responsible for poor relief for residents of the Township. This may include help with food, shelter, utilities (does not pay back bills, deposits, reconnect fees, or penalties), clothing, household supplies, medical services and funeral expenses. Each Township has different guidelines based somewhat on standards set by the State.To apply for assistance, call the appropriate Township Trustee. In some larger populated Townships, the Trustee may have staff to assist with the application process. Others handle the process themselves. Applicants may be required to show documentation of income, bills, etc. If denied services, the applicant should receive a form PR-1A stating the reason for denial. Services: Burial Expense Assistance; County, White; Disaster Relief; Financial Assistance, Medical; Financial Assistance, Other; Financial Assistance, Rent; Financial Assistance, Utility; Food; Funeral; Househo


Big Creek Township Public Assistance-White Co Big Creek Township Public Assistance-White Co

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Reviews of Big Creek Township Public Assistance-White Co
  • Nov 2, 2020

    My pay card was lost or stolen and so was paycheck they threatened to turn electricity off at 4 o'clock today we have 4 adults and 4 kids in the house please help we live in Chalmers

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