Address: 124 New 6th Street
Lewiston, ID - 83501
(208) 746-3351
Low Income Home Energy Assistance Program provider for Benewah, Bonner, Boundary, Clearwater, Idaho, Kootenai, Latah, Lewis, Nez Perce, and Shoshone counties.
The Low Income Home Energy Assistance Program (LIHEAP) provides eligible households with a one-time benefit towards the utility used to provide heat in the home during the winter. This includes, but is not limited to gas, electric, wood, propane and oil. This program is available depending on funding availability.
Household eligibility is based on income and benefit amounts are determined by the household's historical energy usage.
Applicants to the LIHEAP program must provide the following information at the time of their application:
Names/birth dates for all household members
Proof of social security numbers for all household members
Heating energy vendor name/account number (utility bill)
Verification of residence address (utility bill)
Income verification for the previous 3 months (check stubs, SS/SSI award letters, etc)
I'm sending this to see if I'm going to get be help with propane or not,it's been awhile since I was in there and it's getting pretty cold and I haven't heard from anyone,I can't drive so I'm sending this I hope it goes to the right be place.thankyou
I have been trying for almost two months to get my energy assistance - no one will call me back.
My Power is out now for about a month this is when I got turned off.
1835 'G' St.
Lewiston, ID - 83501
(208) 746-9653