
Boone DHHR Utility Assistance LIEAP Office

Address: 156 Resource Lane
Foster, WV - 25081
(304) 369-7802

About Boone DHHR Utility Assistance LIEAP Office

West Virginia Utility Assistance LIEAP

The Low Income Energy Assistance Program (LIEAP) assists eligible households with the cost of home heating through direct cash payments or payments to utility companies on their behalf. A crisis component is available for households without resources facing the loss of a heating source. Eligibility for both program components is based on a combination of factors, including income, type of heating payment, and total heating costs.

The Division of Family Assistance (DFA) operates LIEAP in each of the DHHR field offices for a short time each winter, usually beginning with an automated payment or a mail-out to targeted households. In addition, DFA contracts with the Community Action network and with regional Agency on Aging offices to perform outreach and accept LIEAP applications at their local sites.

This is the local office to apply for your LIEAP Utility Assistance. Make an appointment to apply for assistance. Counties served: Boone County

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Hours of Operation

  • Monday 8:30 AM - 5:00 PM
  • Tuesday 8:30 AM - 5:00 PM
  • Wednesday 8:30 AM - 5:00 PM
  • Thursday 8:30 AM - 5:00 PM
  • Friday 8:30 AM - 5:00 PM
  • Saturday closed
  • Sunday closed

Nearby Energy Assistance Offices

Public Service Commission

Charleston, WV -
(800) 642-8544

Lincoln DHHR Utility Assistance LIEAP Office

8209 Court Avenue
Hamlin, WV - 25523
(304) 824-5811

Bureau for Children and Families

350 Capitol Street, Room 730
Charleston, WV - 25301
(304) 558-0628

Division of Family Assistance

350 Capitol Street, Rm B-18
Charleston, WV - 25301

Kanawha DHHR Utility Assistance LIEAP Office

4190 W. Washington Street
Charleston, WV - 25313
(304) 746-2360