Lancaster, SC Energy Assistance Offices

Welcome to our Lancaster listing page. We provide listings for low income families who need help paying their electric bills. lists programs sponsored by local governments as well as non-profit organizations designed to assist low-income individuals and families with utility bills.
Federal funds are available to subsidize electric and heating bills in Lancaster, South Carolina.

Federal programs like the Low Income Home Energy Assistance Program (LIHEAP) assists low income households in meeting their immediate home energy needs, we provide local listings of Home Energy Assistance Programs in your area.

Lancaster County SC Assistance Office LIHEAP Utility Assistance

101 S. Wylie Street
Lancaster, SC - 29720
(803) 285-2034

Area Lancaster, SC Energy / Utility Assistance Offices

Due to the lack of energy assistance resources in Lancaster, SC, we have added additional offices in the area that may assist in your search.

Carolina Community Actions Inc CSBG and LIHEAP Programs

138 S. Oakland Avenue
Rock Hill, SC - 29731-6933
(803) 329-5195

Carolina Community Actions Inc CSBG and LIHEAP Programs

138 S. Oakland Avenue
Rock Hill, SC - 29731-6933
(803) 329-5195

York County SC Assistance Office LIHEAP Utility Assistance

546 S Cherry Road,
Rock Hill, SC - 29730
(803) 366-5537

Community Service Block Grant Program - Union Cty. Comm. Action,

150 Winchester Ave.
Monroe, NC - 28110
(704) 283-1114

Community Service Block Grant Program - Union Cty. Comm. Action,

150 Winchester Ave.
Monroe, NC - 28110
(704) 283-1114