Energy and Utility Assistance Programs
There are many names for programs that will assist low income persons with paying for their electric bills.
Program names and information include:
LIHEAP - Low Income Home Energy Assistance Program. This progam is a federal program that helps low income families with both heating and cooling costs for their homes. Household Income Limits Apply:
Number of People in Household
Maximum Annual
Household Income
LIHEAP is a Federal Program but is provided locally. We provide the local LIHEAP locations to apply.
State Level Utility Assistance Programs - Many states have Energy Assistance programs for low income and seniors. These programs may be Federally funded but they are provide assistance at the state level. We list those hard to find resources and how to apply for funds.
Local Non Profits and Faith Based Charity Programs: Most major cities have non profit organizations that provide light bill assistance, heating and cooling bills payment assistance. Examples include Community Action Programs. These are the best source for money for energy assistance. We list those locations on this website.
Other great resources for assistance are: Catholic Charities, Jewish Federation financial assistance, UMC Ministries, Saint Vincent de Paul, Samaritan Ministries, Salvation Army, United Way, Volunteers of America, YWCA, local church organizations. We list these resources on this website.
More Details on some of these programs:
Catholic Charities: Catholic Charties in a provider for the Federally Funded LIHEAP Program. Assistance provided for: electric, gas, kerosene, propane, wood, coal, oil.
In order to apply you will need to make an appointment directly with your local Catholic Charities after you fill out the application. Most Catholic Charities have online applications to make it much easier. We provide those details.
Salvation Army Energy Assistance: The Salvation Army provides a variety of energy assistance programs. They differ by location. For example the Midwest has a program called HeatShare. Emergency utility assistance is provided for those in need with their wood, electricity, natural gas, along with furnace repairs. Share the Warmth Program: This is a Michigan program that provides utility and gas assistance. They may be different names by location but they all have programs to help. We list them on the website along with contact numbers and hours.
Society of St Vincent de Paul: St Vincent de Paul is a provider of the LIHEAP program. They recieve the federal funding and provide those funds to the needy.You will need to make an appointment at your local location and provide the following:
Recent copy of your utility bills
Latest working paystub, also much show your gross income
Any type of formal documentation displaying your Social Security, Pension Check, Unemployment Insurance, Disability payments, etc.
Proof of your current residence. Need to provide rent bill etc.
Proof of total members living in your residence
Proof of US Citizenship
Social Security cars for thos living in your home.